Monday, February 28, 2011


Miranda is a pretty cool young lady! It was a pleasure speaking her and her mother. Both were incredibly fun to spend some time with, and both were super nice!












Sunday, February 6, 2011

Good Bye Peaches.

When my husband and I were stationed in Jacksonville NC, he was getting ready to deploy. Anyway, one day I decided that our little family needed a dog. My husband didn't really think that I needed one as I have two children and family around me while he is gone.

But.... Something in my heart told me to adopt a pooch.

I went to the Onslow County animal shelter and met several wonderful dogs. But not a single one was for me and my family.

As I was getting ready to leave, The officer told me about a really nice girl they had in back. No one wanted her because of some medical issues that she had.

I agreed to meet with this sweet girl. And before she was even in my arms I fell in LOVE with her. She was so sweet, and all she wanted was to go home. She put her head between my knees, and tucked herself into me as deep as she could.

That was it.. It was all over with! 130 dollars worth of adoption fees, and 250 dollars in vet bills and medications, she was all mine!

That is not without her giving me my share of headaches. She wandered off one day, and ended up on the other side of New Jersey. She was always chasing squirrels, and giving the cable guy a hard time. But she gave me the biggest smile, and she was the one thing in my life that always wanted to be right next to me. She NEVER left my side.

Tonight, Shortly after 8pm, Peaches Daly passed away. And I can't tell you how much my heart breaks as I remember all the good times, the silly times, and now.. Her only bad time. I cry as I type this all out, and feel so strongly in my heart that no other dog will ever come close to filling her paw prints. She mommied our cats, and puppy ( black lab), She never left the boys a lone while they were playing. She was the best. And I will never ever forget my Peachie!

I know that time will heal the pain of losing one of my best friends. But time will never make me forget how wonderful and beautiful she was.

Peaches Daly, I love you, cherish my memories of you, and will never ever forget the smiles and joy you brought me. I love you.

Rest In Peace baby girl.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Celebrating 30 years of life in the ENC!

As I turned 30 this year, I wanted to celebrate it with my best friend, I also wanted to celebrate it in a place that stole my heart! Eastern North Carolina!!!! :)

When I arrived Jan 22 2011 in the AM, it was cloudy, and incredibly chilly. On the way back to my friends house it started snowing! After I woke up from my nap, There were a few inched on the ground, and FREEZING!

Needless to say the rest of my trip was A-MA-ZING!Lots of laughs and good times, the weather was beautiful, there was still snow left on the beaches for a couple of days, and dolphins swimming in the bay area of Swansboro! What more can a girl ask for?

This was the best way to celebrating my 30th Birthday!
















